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Cherry jam

yummy on a croissant
Waldorf crafts, Summer, With fresh fruit, Preserves, and Jam / compote / jelly
Cherry jam side

Shopping list
1250g sweet black cherries
500g preserve sugar, special
few drops of lemon juice


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In july to august cherries taste best, they are big, almost black and sweet. So we make cherry preserve. Then we can still eat cherries in winter, on croissants, bread or toast.

This easy you make cherry jam

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Wash the cherries then drain them well.

Remove the stones with a cherry de-stoner.

Stir in the preserve sugar and lemon juice.

Place the covered bowl overnight in the fridge.

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Quickly pulse the jam if whole cherries are to coarse.

Put the cherrie mixture in a big pan, put it on low heat.

Bring to the boil then let it boil hard for 4 minutes.

Skim the foam from the jam with a slotted spoon

Cherry jam 09
Cherry jam home

Fill the sterilized jars, close the lids firmly then turn the jars 5 minutes upside down.

Turn the jars back, let them cool completely before placing them in the fridge. Store the jars cool and dark.