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Once upon a hillside

a very special book
Reading Book, History, Illustrated, and informative and educational
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Once upon a hillside -
Seven stories, one hillside, 6000 years
Author: Angela McAllister
Illustrator: Chiara Fedele
Original language: English
Published: November 2022
Publisher: The Zephyr Collection
EAN: 9781801107525
Price: € 16.99 (HC)
Age: from 7 years old and up

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1 hill, 6000 years and 7 stories, the title of this book - written by British author Angela McAllister - already tells you, while reading you take a journey through time. Reading about the people and children who lived here on our earth so many years ago, it quickly becomes clear that people are and will always remain people. We may think that we can and know more, because computers and all kinds of other technology.But is that really the case? A very special book, with many beautiful illustrations, made by Italian illustrator Chiara Fedele.

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Read the 7 stories for yourself and see what is different in your own lifetime compared to back then, but also how we humans are still the same. If that hasn't changed in 6,000 years, it's good to remember that it probably never will. That we are all human, that the world belongs to everyone who lives here on earth and that we have to do it together!

3 bright shining stars for Once upon a hillside, from our young readers and the (out loud)readers!