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The Mouse Mansion - Sam and Julia

by Karina Schaapman and Ton Brouwer
Picture Book and Animal Books
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The Mouse Mansion, Sam and Julia
Author: Karina Schaapman
Illustrator: Ton Brouwer
Series: Sam & Julia
Original: Dutch
Translated into English: Rubinstein Publishing
Published: November 2014
Publisher: Rubinstein Publishing B.V.
ISBN13: 9780803740495
Price: € 17.99
Age: 4- 7 years

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The Mouse Mansion - Sam and Julia picture book by Karina Schaapman is a big hit in the Netherlands and we have also purchased the first book. Meanwhile, Sam and Julia lead a busy life, they go to a party, picnic, theater, the fair, the circus, the series goes on and on.

The stories are not very appealing, not even for the mini-monsters. They fall seriously short for us (with The musician, The Winkel van Sinkel and Shabbat as the bottom three), the frequently used words SUPER and AWESOME (?) soon become SUPER annoying.

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But even if we don't like the stories, the illustrations (the photos) of the Mouse Mansion more than make up for it. There is so much to see! That's why the mini monsters love the book anyway so we look at the pictures together. We ask: "Shall we buy part 2 as well?". "No, we already have this one".

2 bright stars for The Mouse Mansion - Sam and Julia, from the young snazzie readers, 3 from the little picture viewers!