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Eefje's Bunny Rolls

are made with ready made bread mix
Celebrations around the World, Waldorf recipes, Baking buns and rolls, Easter, and Treat
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1 packet of Koopmans bread-mix
knob of butter
little box of raisins
1 free range egg yolk, beaten
raisins to decorate

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Today we are having fun baking Easter buns. We do not have much time - of course! - so we bake with Koopmans bread-mix. The buns have turned out nice! So if you are strapped for time too, Bread-mix is ideal to still have a fun hour of baking with the kids! On the download you find the 'real' recipe!

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Make the dough as described on the packet and let it rise in a warm place. If the dough is doubled in volume it is ready.

The girls model the bread dough into bunnies and nests. Eefje quickly makes a football as well (??).

The use raisins to make faces on the bunnies, They roll dough snakes, bread them and roll them in a circle.

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In turns everone brushes her homemade Easter buns with beaten egg yolk.

This way everyone can find her own buns. Slide them into the oven.

Eefje does the honours, how the bunnies have turned out you see on her face!

Happy Easter!