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Caribbean citrus salad

with a chili/honey dressing
Side Dishes, With fresh fruit, and Salad
Caribbean citrus salad side

Shopping list for 4 persons
4 oranges
2 red + 1 yellow grapefruit
1 small red onion
100g pomgranate seeds
sprig of fresh mint
5 teaspoons white wine vinegar
4 tablespoons honey
75ml extra virgin olive oil
a small red pepper
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Caribbean citrus salad recipe

How to make the dressing

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Caribbean citrus salad 01
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Measure the vinegar and honey and stir them together.

Add pepper and sea salt, stir into the oil.

Chop the pepper finely and add it to the mixture.

Whisk the dressing, taste, need more oil / vinegar?

and how to make the salad

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Peel the citrus fruit, then peel the wedges and place them on the plate.


Slice thin onion rings, tear mint leaves, sprinkle on the fruit.

Whisk the dressing again and pour it over the citrus salad.

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Caribbean citrus salad home

Before you serve sprinkle pomgranate seeds on the salad.

Pretty as a picture! The Caribbean salad tastes delicious and fresh!
