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An Easter lantern

to make with the little ones
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Recycling, Lantern , and Easter
Easter lantern side

What do you need?
glas jar
crepe paper
Modpodge glue & sealer
glitter glue
iron wire

Easter lantern home

Make a cozy lantern for Easter, a nice craft for the littlest ones! Give them glue paste to work with and use the modpodge sealer yourself afterwards.


How to make an Eastern lantern
Cut a narrow ribbon from the crepe paper, cut squares from the ribbon.

Easter lantern 01
Easter lantern 02
Easter lantern 03
Easter lantern 04

Brush glue onto the jar.

Stick squares all around onto the jar.

Glue a ribbon around the top.

Place a cut out chick on the jar.

Easter lantern 05
Easter lantern 06
Easter lantern 07

Trace the chick with glitter glue.

Give the chick a beak and a wing.

Bend a wire around the jar as a handle.

Place a Led-light in your lantern already then you have to wait until it gets dark. Now your lantern is really pretty! Happy, happy Easter!