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A flamingo

who runs through your house
Painting and Sewing
Flamingo sidepic

What do you need?
2 large styrofoam balls
5 medium styrofoam balls
10 small styrofoam balls
pink, orange, black and white paint + brush
feathers, orange and pink
nylon thread, large needle and skewer
wobbly eyes
scissors, pebncil and ruler
slat, miter and saw
dril (machine) and a screw and bolt

Flamingo sidepicll

This funny flamingo puppet you can easily be made by you. We use all sorts of techniques, we paint, string & knot, stick in feathers & make them sparkle with glitter and then we also saw a bit. So much fun!

Tip! If you stick the styrofoam balls on a wooden skewer first,  painting will be easy and you keep clean hands. The balls can also dry properly in a jar.

How to make the flamingo
Start by pricking tunnels in the large and the medium balls, using a wooden skewer.

How to paint

Flamingo 01
Flamingo 02
Flamingo 03

Paint the 2 largest balls and 3 medium balls pink.

Paint 10 small balls orange, they will be the legs.

Cut 1 medium ball in half, paint both halves orange.

How to make the beak

  •      cut the 5th medium ball in half then cut 1 half in half.
  •      Paint half the ball pink, paint the beak point (the ¼) black.
  •      Glue the black tip in the middle of the pink half. The 2nd ¼ is superfluous.

How to string

Leave long Nylon threads hanging on the ends, you need them later to tie them together or to the wooden cross.

Flamingo 04
Flamingo 05
Flamingo 06
Flamingo 07

String the balls on nylon thread, 1 large, 3 medium, 1 large.

Push the needle - if too short - through with a skewer.

Keep the ends of the pink balls long.

String a half orange ball then string 5 balls on top.

Prick leg 1 through the body, string leg 2 on the same thread then tie it off under the foot.

How to decorate the flamingo

Flamingo 08
Flamingo 09
Flamingo 10
Flamingo 11

Tie a long thread at knee hight, in between ball 3 - 4.

Stick wings and tail in the body and on the head, using glue.

Strike glitter glue on the wings, the tail and the head.

Stick the eyes and the beak on the flamingo's head.

How to make the cross

Flamingo 12
Flamingo 13
Flamingo 14

Saw off 2 wooden slats of 16 cm long.

Drill 2 holes at both ends, 1 in the middle.

Make the cross using a nut and bolt.

Knot the threads of the head, the body and the knies firmly on the cross.

Flamingo 15
Flamingo 16
Flamingo 17

Now your flamingo can stroll around the house, have lots of fun with it!