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Homemade mayonnaise

in three simple steps by Michel Roux Jr
Basic recipe, Side Dishes, French, and Sauces
Homemade mayonaise side

Shopping list
2 free range egg yolks
15g of Dijon mustard
250ml of groundnut oil
30 ml fresh lemon juice or
30 ml white wine vinegar
a pinch of sea salt and black pepper

Homemade mayonaise side ll

Michel Roux Jr is our hero, a great chef and a likeable man with a great sense of humor. Besides his love for cooking is running a passion of his, his nickname is the marathon chef. His cookbook The Marathon chef dates from 2003, long before spelt, goji berries and other hysteric food hypes came along.

Michel Roux cooks healthy but he also has a deep love for classic French cuisine. This homemade mayonnaise is not the healthiest dish by Michel Roux. But not too much and not too often is it so delicious that you will make it again!

How to make the delicious mayonnaise

Homemade mayonaise 03
Homemade mayonaise 05
Homemade mayonaise 06
Homemade mayonaise 04

Separate the yolks from the whites and put them with the mustard, salt & pepper in a bowl.

Add oil in a thin trickle, whisking rapidly. When it thickens add oil in a steady stream.

When all oil is fully incorporated you quickly whisk the lemon juice into the mayonnaise.

Keep beating rapidly for another 30 sec's until the mayonnaise is thick and glossy.

Homemade mayonaise 07
Homemade mayonaise l

Serve the mayonnaise in a pretty bowl but keep it in a sealed jar in the fridge, it will be gone before you know it!

Delicious with hard boiled eggs as a starter (Oeufs mayonnaise), with a salad Nicoise or just Dutch, on the homemade fries.