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Madelief makes strawberry jam

for Mothers Day
Waldorf recipes, Summer, With fresh fruit, Preserves, Jam / compote / jelly, and Mother's Day
Strawberry jam side

What do you need to make strawberry jam?
1250g strawberries
500g preserve sugar, special
half a lemon, juiced
large pan & wooden spoon
slotted spoon
clean tea towel
sterilized jars and lids

Strawberry jam side

To fill Mum's picnic basket with goodies we make freshly baked scones and homemade jam :) Off to a quick start!!

Kids love making jam but ... for the older ones it's fine to help, if you always stay next to them and always pour the boiling hot jam into the jars yourself. The sterilizing of the jam jars is your job too of course!

Keep young children away when you're cooking the jam and filling the jars. They can help really well with rinsing the strawberries and removing the hulls.

How to make strawberry jam

Strawberry jam 01
Strawberry jam 02
Strawberry jam 03
Strawberry jam 04

Weigh the sugar and the clean strawberries, put them in a large pan*.

You can pulse the jam smoother with a blender if you like.

Bring the fruit to the boil, let it boil for 2 minutes, turn off the heat.

Do not pour the jam in the jars! That's an adult job!

* If you stir strawberries and sugar until combined and put it overnight in the fridge your jam tastes much better!

Strawberry jam 05
Strawberry jam 06
Strawberry jam 07
Strawberry jam 08

Madelief puts fabric on the lids, ties on ribbon and makes a small card.

The ladies can't wait until the jam has completely cooled, they start making toast.

Then finally it's time for the tasting! On the next picture you can see how good the jam is!

Rub sticky fingers from the jars and then it's one for Mum and one for you!

Put the jars 5 minutes upside down, turn them back and let the jam cool completely. We have ovely jam for Mum's picnic and a tasty stash for winter too! If the jam makes it until then with Madelief around ;)