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Mini tartes aux fruits

by Michel Roux Jr
Pastry, French, Desserts, High Tea, and With fresh fruit
Mini tarts aux fruits side

Shopping list for the pastry cases
500g flour
100g icing sugar
250g cold butter
1 free range egg yolk
if needed a splash of icy water

for patissière cream
500 ml milk
6 free-range egg yolks
40g flour
125g caster sugar
icing sugar for dusting

and for the fruit topping
fresh pineapple
white grapes
seasonal fruit
½ jar of apricot jam
2 tablespoons of water

18 tins, 10 cm diameter or
12 tins, 6 cm diameter
brush (or spray) for greasing
legumes or ceramic marbles

For these mini Tartes aux Fruits when used the full amount of ingredients you have enough for 18 tartlets with a 10 cm diameter. With a quarter of the ingredients you end up with 12 mini tarts, 6 cm in diameter. With the mini tartlets the girls have a  dolls tea party.

How to make mini Tartes aux Fruits
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Sift the flour and the icing sugar and stir well.

Cube the cold butter and add it to the bowl.

Knead flour, sugar and butter together into big crumbs.

Beat the egg yolk and knead it in until the dough feels smooth.

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If your dough feels to dry you add a little splash of ice cold water.

Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180° C and grease the tins already.

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Roll out the dough to 5mm thickness on a flour dusted workspace.

Cut out circles from the dough a little bigger than the tins.

Press the dough into the tins and fold a tiny rim around the tin.

Prick holes in the bottom of the dough cases with a fork.

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Fruit tarts 12
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Line the dough with alu foil and fill it with raw peas to keep their shape.

Place the tins on a baking tray and bake the cases in 15 minutes golden and crisp.

Wash and cut the fruit and make the crème pâtissière while the cases are baking.

The crème pâtissière!

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Pour the milk in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Separate the eggs, place the egg yolks in a bowl. Add the sifted flour and the sugar, beat until combined.

Add the hot milk slowly to the mixture, beat until smooth. Pour back into the pan, bring back to the boil on medium heat while stirring.

Allow the cream patissière to thicken. Remove the pan from the heat when the cream patissière has the consistency of a thick custard.

Pour the cream into a bowl and dust it with icing sugar (to prevent the formation of a skin). Allow the cream patissière to cool completely.

Assembling the fruit tarts

Rub the apricot jam with a spoon through a sieve into a saucepan. Add two tablespoons of water and heat the jam while stirring well. Turn the gas off before the jam / water mixture boils and let it cool.

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Fill each case to ¾ with crème patissière.

Place assorted fruits onto the cream.

Brush the fruit with the apricot mixture.

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The tartlets are so fragrant, close your eyes and you're in France!

The remaining tartlets are served at the dolls tea party. They disappear in a second!