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'The full English'

a hearty breakfast
Breakfast, British, With egg, With fresh vegetables, and With Cold Cuts / Bacon
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Shopping list for 2
2 sausages
2-4 rashers bacon
2 free range eggs
1 big or 2 small tomatoes
2 portobello mushrooms
2 slices white bread

Optional: piece of black pudding
beans in tomato sauce
ketchup or brown sauce (HP)

Full english sidell

If you have ever been to the UK, you know that their "hot breakfast" (the full English or a proper fry up) is very different from our Dutch 'uitsmijter', which by the way we prefer to eat for lunch. 

Nowadays the British are more aware of health, they now use a griddle pan. Before your cholesterol level rose when you just looked your breakfast, breakfast slided back and forth in fat on your plate. So see how you like this.

How to make a British 'fry up'
Put the plates in the oven to warm them up. Start by slowly frying the sausages, on the coolest part of the griddle with the flame half high.

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Heat the griddle, grease it lightly with olive oil.

Fry the sausages brown, they need to cook 15 minutes.

Brush the portobello's clean and cut the stalks.

Sprinkle with salt & pepper and then olive oil.

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Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the stalk inside.

Drip olive oil on the cutting sides, sprinkle salt, pepper and Prevecale herbs on.

Fry the tomatoes 2 minutes on both sides on the griddle. Add the bacon too.

Place the mushrooms on the griddle with the stalk side up. Fry for 1-2 minutes. Flip them over then fry them 2-4 minutes on the other side. Do not move the mushrooms while frying, otherwise they will lose to much moist which makes a portobello tough and mushy.

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Fry the bacon crispy in 2-4 minutes and place it on the plates in the oven.

Fry eggs and bread in a frying pan, fried bread: a classic with a fry up.

Season with salt & pepper, slide everything onto the hot plates and then ... ENJOY!

Serve everything together on the preheated plates and place ketchup and/or brown sauce on the side.