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The frosting on the cake

for minimal 12 cupcakes
Basic recipe, American, and Frosting / Fondant Icing / (Butter) Cream
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240 ml milk, room temperature
45g plain flour
200g butter, room temperature
200g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

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We make buttercream with an American recipe, a cupcake with buttercream is the pastry for Americans. Now that cupcakes are very popular in the Netherlands, you can buy them everywhere, some even more beautiful than the other. But they come also gluten-free, vegan or in a savory version. We like to make them ourselves, so here's our recipe for a tasty buttercream.

How to make your own buttercream

Start by sifting the flour

Icing 1
Icing 2
Icing 5
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Put milk and flour in a saucepan, whisk until lump-free. Bring the mixture to a boil and turn the heat immediately low.

Keep stirring for +/- 5 minutes until thick, without burns or lumps. Spoon into a bowl, cover with cling film, let cool.

In another bowl mix the butter creamy at medium speed, add icing sugar and vanilla while mixing.

When icing sugar and vanilla are completely dissolved add the flour mixture. Mix 5 minutes more at medium speed.

  • The buttercream is ready, cover the bowl with cling film and place it at least 15 minutes in the refrigerator, to set.
  • If a stick remains upright in your icing it's the proper thickness to pipe or spread.
  • If your frosting is too thin some extra icing sugar will solve the problem.
  • You can give buttercream any colour of the rainbow with a drop of food colouring. Just drip and stir until you like the colour.


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That's how beautiful it looks, the frosting on the cake!