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A Charlie Brown Valentine

here are Snoopy and the Peanuts again!
English language, Picture Book, and Valentine's Day
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A Charlie Brown Valentine
Author: Charles M. Schulz
Illustrator: Robert Pope
Series: The Peanuts
Original language: English
Translated into Dutch: not
Published: December 2016
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN13: 9781481468039
Price: €8.99 (paperback)
Age: 6 years and up

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As fans of Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the Peanuts, we don't want to miss out on the picture book A Charlie Browns Valentine! This picture book is based on the Peanuts cartoons (on TV), just like A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving or A Charlie Brown Easter.

Fortunately, these cartoons are also available in print, because Charlie, Snoopy and the Peanuts are still loved worldwide. On Valentine's Day we love to read this book to the little monsters the very most. Because little or large, everyone loves Snoopy!

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The picture books are still based on the books of the father of Charlie, Snoopy and the Peanuts: Charles M. Schulz, with illustrations by other cartoonists such as Robert W. Pope. Even though these picture books have not been translated into Dutch, we have a lot of fun with reading the books with our monsters. The pictures are and remain adorable and very funny!

3 brightly lit stars for A Charlie Brown Valentine, from the young listeners and their readers!

Happy Valentine's Day!