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A Christmas Wish

a Christmas Story about Lettice Rabbit by Mandy Stanley
English language, Picture Book, Christmas, and Animal Books
A christmas wish sidepage

Lettice - A Christmas Wish
Author/illustrator: Mandy Stanley
Series: Lettice
Original language: English
Translated by: not
Published: October 2010
Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books
ISBN13: 978-0007165858
Price: £5.94 (paperback)
Age: 3 - 7 years

A christmas wish sidepagell

Christmas shopping in England with the mini monsters is great fun, we've done it several times. All the shopping streets are festively lit and the shop windows are also beautifully decorated, often inspired by a classic children's book. There we came across Lettice Rabbit, but then in book form :))

In the bookstore the Lettice picture books glittered at us (particularly at the mini-monsters) from afar, and we have to admit the books are very cute! The story is sweet too, a little bunny named Lettice hears some kids talking about Christmas, but Lettice doesn't know what Christmas is...she'd like to know more about it!

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After Lettice investigates, she knows all about it and she also wants to celebrate Christmas, with all the other bunnies. Do you think she could succeed? You can read it all in this fun Christmas picture book!

3 glittering Christmas Stars for Lettice, A Christmas Wish, from the readers and the little mini monsters!