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Strawberry bavarois

a lovely light French dessert
Pastry, French, With fresh fruit, and Father's Day
Bavarois bodem side

Shopping list
150g Cantuccini
20g butter
3 free range eggs
half a lemon
200g strawberries
2 gelatin leafs
250g sugar
150ml water
50ml double cream
50g strawberries, extra

Bavarois ijs02

Today the recipe for a very good French strawberry bavarois, no baking, on an Italian cookie crust.


How to make strawberry bavarois

Bavarois  bodem 1
Bavarois  bodem 2
Bavarois 17
Bavarois  bodem 5

Roll or beat the Cantucinni to crumbs with a rolling pin.

Melt two tablespoons of butter and stir the crumbs in it.

Lay a piece of cling film in the cooking rings.

Press the crumbs firmly in as a base and put them aside.

Keep the egg yolks covered in the refrigerator until the next morning, to make vanilla ice cream. Rub the inside of a bowl with half a lemon and whisk the egg whites in it (until soft peaks occur). You do this so every trace of fat is erased and you get optimal stiff beaten egg whites.

Bavarois 4
Bavarois 3
Bavarois 2

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them stiff.

Soak the gelatin leafs 5 minutes in cold water.

Wash and hull the strawberries.

Bavarois 7
Bavarois 8
Bavarois 5

Blend the strawberries mushy and drain the gelatin.

Heat the mushy strawberries and dissolve the drained gelatin in it while stirring.

Place water and sugar in a pan, put it on low and dissolve the sugar.

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Bavarois 11
Bavarois 12
Bavarois 13

Turn the heat on the sugar syrup and boil to you reach exactly 115°C.

Add the warm sugar syrup to the eggwhites

Beat the syrup lightly through the egg whites with a whisk.

When the syrup is incorporated into the egg whites it looks shiny.

Bavarois 15
Bavarois 10
Bavarois 14

Fold the mushy strawberries into the egg whites.

Measure the right amount of double cream.

Beat the cream until you get soft peaks.

Bavarois 16
Bavarois 18
Bavarois 19

Fold the cream light and quickly into the bavarois.

Get out the rings and pour the bavarois into them.

Leave the bavarois for 2 hours in the fridge to set.

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Remove the cling film and press the cakes carefully out. Garnish with the extra strawberries.

This dessert tastes even better with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!