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Strawberry sorbet

Summer, Desserts, Ice Cream & milkshakes, and With fresh fruit
Strawberry sorbet side

Shopping list
500 gram strawberries
100 ml water
50 gram fine sugar

Start a day ahead by placing the ice cream container in the freezer!

Strawberry sorbet sidell

This delicious fresh strawberry sorbet is ready in 30 minutes in an ice machine. But even without an ice machine it's easy to do, it just takes longer.

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Blend 450 g strawberries to a mush.

Dissolve the sugar in boiling water.*

Add the mush to the sugar water.

Stir until it's combined.

* PLEASE NOTE! Let the sugar syrup cool before you add the strawberry mush, it needs to go completely cold in the ice cream container!

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Take the container out of the freezer.

Pour in the mixture.

Turn on the ice cream machine.

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30 minutes later the ice cream is ready.

Place a scoop of sorbet in a glass and decorate with strawberries.