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All the buildings

in New York
English language, Picture Book, Art, and Science
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All the buildings in New York
Author/Illustrator: James Gulliver Hancock
Original language: English
Published: maart 2013
Publishers: Universe Publishing
EAN: 9780789324672
Price:  € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 10 - 12 years

New york sidepic
Today two English books about the City that does not sleep;) for big and smaller mini-monsters. They are actually more like coffee table books but for kids, there is not much to read but there is a lot to see! In All the Buildings in New York the detailed drawings of the many famous buildings in New York are brilliant. A beautiful book by James Gulliver Hancock!
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Pop Up New York - Andy Mansfield - 9781760343378 - Lonely Planet Kids - € 9.49 (HC) - only in English.

This sturdy square book by Andy Mansfield is more fun for the younger children. The colourful pop up pictures are fun to watch. The little ones love it, but beware of gripping children's hands! Even though it is a sturdy book, the cardboard can tear and that would be a shame. The bigger kids also like the book a lot and honestly, we grown up readers love it too ;)) Paris is also available in the same version.
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Three shining stars for both books about New York!