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3 free range organic eggs
190g fine sugar
90g almond flour
flaked almonds
Vanilla or mocha Butter Cream
200g butter, room temperature
170g icing sugar
2 - 3 tablespoons whole milk
mocha or vanilla extract, to taste
100g milk chocolate

Amandelkoekjes sidepicll

Yesterday we already made goat's paws, such a tasty and easy to make cookie! Today we are going to make another almond cookie with the same dough and these cookies are called acorns. Funny, because they look nothing like an acorn. As long as the biscuit has a name, we think, they are super delicious anyway! You can see us making the dough step by step in our previous blog, so today we start by piping the dough ;))

How to make almond acorns

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Pipe circles of 4cm Ø on the baking paper, sprinkled with almond flakes.

Bake the almond biscuits in 10 - 12 minutes light brown in a 180°C preheated oven.

Let the biscuits cool a moment, the peel them gently from the paper.

Allow to cool completely on a wire rack and meanwhile make the butter cream.

How to make the vanilla or mocha buttercream filling

Small note: an American recipe so very sweet!

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Beat the butter in at least 5 minutes creamy.

In the meantime, sieve the icing sugar.

Scrape along the edges then beat some more.

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Add the sugar gradually and beat 5 minutes more.

Add the milk and beat a moment longer.

Add the vanilla or mocha extract and beat it in again.

Beat until your butter cream is silky and smooth.

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Transfer the butter cream to a piping bag.

Pipe some buttercream on a biscuit.

Press a second biscuit on top.

Finish the biscuits with chocolate

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Chop the chocolate in small pieces.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

Stir the chocolate for a second.

Dip in the biscuits.

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Allow the chocolate to set in the refrigerator.

And good that these almond acorns are!