Shopping list
150g soft light brown sugar
100g sultana’s
125 ml malt vinegar
2 large apples, cored
3 large tomatoes
1 onion, finely chopped
Today we make British apple chutney because tomorrow we want to eat British toast with grilled bacon and cheese, or rather rarebit as it is called in the UK. Both dishes are easy to prepare - in the weekend - and very tasty for lunch or as a snack in the afternoon, if you missed out on lunch ;) If you prefer to make it in one go, also great, the full recipe can already be downloaded.
How to make apple chutney
Sterelize the jar(s) and heat a large frying pan on low heat.
Wash and cut the apples and tomatoes roughly, chop the onion fine.
Heat sugar and sultana's in the hot pan until the sugar just melts.
Add the vinegar and cook until it is totally dissolved.
Add fruit when sugar and sultana's are just karamelized.
Stir in the fruit and vegetables and cook for +/- 10 minutes.
Have the sterilized jars ready, upside down on a tea towel.
Spoon the chutney, when fruit and veg are soft, in the jar.
Close the jar tight then place it upside down for 5 minutes.
Allow the chutney to cool completely then store it cool and dark.
Already looking forward to the bacon and cheese toasties!