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Arboretum Trompenburg Rotterdam

our quest for Mushrooms
Info, Vacation and Weekend Trips, and Autumn
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Trompenburg, gardens and arboretum
Honingerdijk 86 (below)
3062 NX Rotterdam

Telephone: 010 - 233 01 66
E-mail: tuin@trompenburg.nl

Opening hours April up to and including October
Monday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 5pm

More information about making reservations

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Due to Covid-19 it is not easy to plan nice holiday trips, because we want to avoid all indoor activities now. Fortunately, we live not far from the Arboretum Trompenburg and in autumn the gardens are stunning (But do make reservations in advance). Our Puk would like to search for mushrooms and then you are in the right place at Trompenburg!

For mini monsters, there is also a Treasure Hunt (a super fun activity) during the Autumn Break, up to and including October 25th. For an extra € 2.50 they can participate and you also support the Arboretum, in these difficult times.
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Just inside, Puk immediately sets the pace. He knows where to look, and yes it doesn't take long before we see the first toadstools! Fortunately, we also see some familiar species, such as the red-brown Beef Steak Mushroom and on photo 4 the Turkey Tail. The Beef Steak Mushroom is another favorite of Puk, right after the Fly Agaric!

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Puk is delighted, there are so many different types of mushrooms to be found here! He knows that the mushrooms are growing mainly on and under trees. He inspects every tree (and there are many here) and a lies on the ground to look under the trees. Too bad we forgot to bring our mushroom recognition card. No idea what all these mushrooms are called ...

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There are tree stumps with masses of mushrooms (?) on them and then we see a lonely scaly ink fungus on one of the paths. When we also find a newly emerging Fly Agaric, Puk's happiness is complete. He wants to come back in two days, to see if the Fly Agaric has already grown.
We see mushrooms in all shapes and colours and they are really beautiful to see. We also like to look up to enjoy the beautiful Autumn colours, but that is not why we came, according to Puk, so on we go again.
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You will also find beautiful flowers here in autumn, not so many as in summer but still. We do not know the name of the purple plants, but they colour so brightly and pretty between the fallen leaves. The ducks also swim happily among the autumn leaves, they do not seem to mind. Then we see already bright red berries growing on the holly and beautiful Dahlias in many colours, these colour we found the most beautiful!

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We find Fairy Benches and another unknown type of mushrooms, but we stop now, because this blog is getting way too long. But do go and see for yourself with the kids, these gardens are so beautiful in the fall. It is lovely outside at this time of year and although the tea house is not fully open, you can still get a hot drink to go.

You are going to have lots of fun with the treasures you find during your walk. We use them to make crafts as you can see tomorrow and in the coming months, on snazzie!
Happy Autumn Break!

Two days later

Four days later

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Finaly here they are ... red with white dots! Go and see for yourself while it is still Autumn Break!