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(Asian) Pear Sauce

easy and yummy!!
Winter, Side Dishes, Asian, Hanukkah, With fresh fruit, and Sauces
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500g (Asian) pears
1 small apple
2 tablespoons water
1½  teaspoons lemon juice
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
a pinch kosher salt

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To go with the Latkes we'll be making tomorrow, we found this recipe for Asian Pear sauce. Jewish cuisine also undergoes modern influences and we love fusion. But not an Asian pear to be found in Rotterdam, of all places, the melting pot of the Netherlands! No idea if the season is wrong or if the pears were sold out.

But here is the original recipe anyway. We also really liked the sauce using Conference pears and the mini-monster did too! Next time we'll use a kilo of pears :)) Hopefully there will be Asian Pears by then!

How to make (Asian) Pear Sauce

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Clean the pears and apple.

Cut them coarsely.

Add lemon, cinnamon and vanilla.

Add the water as well.

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Bring it to a boil.

Reduce the heat and cover.

Stir it every 10 minutes.

Let the fruit simmer for about 30 - 40 minutes, until it is soft, but check in between that it does not boil dry!

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Let the fruit cool.

Put it in a blender.

Blend until smooth.

Pour in a sealable jar.

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Put it in the fridge until use, tomorrow the Latkes recipe will follow!