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Bake a Spring omelet

with potatoes, veg and smoked salmon
Spring, Waldorf recipes, Lunch, With egg, Main Courses, With fresh vegetables, With Fish, and Celebrations around the World
Lente omelet met zalm sidepic

Shopping list
300g potatoes (pre-cooked)
2 bell peppers, various colours
1-2 onions
4 tablespoons sour cream
100g smoked salmon
4 free-range organic eggs
2 sprigs parsley
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

You also need: a frying pan 18-20cm

Lente omelet met zalm sidepicll

In spring, a light meal tastes delicious and new. A spring omelet for sure, you can also eat it for lunch. This omelet with smoked salmon, fresh vegetables and potatoes is a keeper here! Quick and easily made, we take it into the garden. We take our plateainto the graden. A nice meal in the sun! What more could we want?

How to make the Spring omelet

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Pre-cook the potatoes.

Let them cool.

Cut the onion(s) into strips.

Cut the peppers into strips too.

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Cut the potatoes into slices.

Heat the oil in a frying pan.

Fry the onion and add the pappers.

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Add the potatoes and bake it all for 10 minutes.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream and salt & pepper.

Beat the eggs until loose and frothy, until all is well blended.

Cut the salmon in strips and the parsley finely

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Add the potato mixture to the egg-mixture.

Stir both mixtures briefly together.

Add the salmon to the mixture,

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Finally briefly fold in the parsley

Let de mixture slide back into the pan.

Bake the omelet until dry on top.

Place a plate on the pan and turn it over.

Let the omelet slide back into the pan again and fry the top for a few minutes, until it is a light golden brown

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Lente omelet met zalm homepage

Serve the omelet with a mixed salad, with an oil and vinegar dressing.

Slide the omelet from the pan onto a large platter.

Now quickly take the plates outside and eat the Spring omelet while nice and hot!