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Bastille crêpes

delicious French pancakes
French, With whipped Cream, With fresh fruit, and Pan Cakes
Bastille crepes sidepic

Bastille crepes
250g all purpose flour
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
3 free range organic eggs
450 ml whole milk
Raspberry coulis
50g raspberries
50g fine sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons water
blueberries and whipped cream

Bastille crepes sidepicll

Bastille crêpes belong to the Fête Nationale Française or Le Quatorze juillet. This, of course, is France's national holiday on July 14, on the occasion of the unification of the French. But these crêpes are delicious any day of the year, so we're making them today and will repeat the recipe in July! The recipe comes from a favorite website of ours, French Cooking Academy. Have a look, you will learn a lot from it, Stephane knows what he is doing!

This is how you make Bastille crepes

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Stir the flour, salt and sugar together in a large bowl.

Make a well in the flour mixture, put in the eggs and whisk them in.

Whisk in the milk until the batter is lump-free.

Cover the bowl and let the batter rest for 2 hours.

How to make raspberry coulis

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Place water, lemon juice and sugar in the pan.

Bring to the boil on medium heat.

Add the raspberries as well.

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Let the fruit simmer for app. 5 minutes.

Rub the soft fruit through a sieve.

Leave the raspberry coulis to cool.

While the batter is resting and the coulis is cooling you whip 250 ml double cream with 2 tablespoons sugar, store it in the fridge

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We were presented with a real French crepe pan by a sweetheart!

Pour batter into the pan and cover the bottom.

The more crepes you make the thinner they'll be, which is the trick.

Stack the crepes, keep warm and dust thinly with icing sugar.

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Bastille crepes 15

Get the cream from the fridge and scoop a generous blob on the crepes.

Serve the Bastille crepes with raspberry coulis and fresh fruit.

Prendre Plaisir!