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but not to throw around!
Waldorf crafts, Wool Felt, Sewing, and Needlework
Beanbags sidepic

What do you need?
wool felt, in many colours
matching embroidery thread
embroidery needles
white cotton
white thread & needle
(or sewing machine)
rice and/or white beans

Beanbags homepage

Now that it's spring again, we're making fun beanbags, not for throwing, but more as a little joke. To put somewhere, for fun. We make the four seasons and, as always when we are busy, we get fun ideas while sewing and embroidering.

That's why not everything is on the pattern, but you may also get some ideas of your own, otherwise you can easily copy ours from the photo. Our ideas are not difficult ;) We sew on the figures with small running stitches and we sew the bags closed with the blanket stitch.

How to make beanbags from felt


How to make felt bean bags

Beanbags 01
Beanbags 02
Beanbags 03
Beanbags 04

Pin the patterns onto the felt.

Cut out the 2 parts for each season.

Pin and cut out the figures.

Pin the figures on the background.


Beanbags 05
Beanbags 06
Beanbags 07

For Spring we choose the rainbow.

Pin on all loose parts.

Sew them on with tiny stitches.


Beanbags 08
Beanbags 09
Beanbags 10
Beanbags 11

For summer we make a sunflower.

The bee is an afterthought, the flower was a bit plain.

The flower needs more petals.

Sew the beanbag closed on 3 sides.


Beanbags 12
Beanbags 13
Beanbags 14

Firstly sew the toadstool on.

Then the leaves and white dots.

Sew the beanbag closed to halfway.


Beanbags 15
Beanbags 16
Beanbags 17
Beanbags 18

Pin and sew the snowman.

Embroider the eyes and buttons.

Embroider the nose and sew on arms.

Embroider snowflakes all around.

Blanket stitch the beanbags together but leave one side open for filling

Beanbags 19
Beanbags 20
Beanbags 21
Beanbags 22

Trace the patterns.

Cut out and pin them together.

Stitch the bags around but...

Leave a gap, for filling.

Beanbags 23
Beanbags 24
Beanbags 25

Fill the bags with beans or rice.

Pin the filled beanbags closed.

And then sew the gap closed.

Beanbags 26
Beanbags 27

Place the rice or bean bags into the felt bags.

Sew all four beanbags closed and your done!

Have fun with your beanbags!