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Lovely jam pastries from Slovenia
With chocolate, Pastry, and Europese
Slovenia bhuteljni side

Shopping list
10 sheets puff pastry 12x12 cm
assorted jams
1 free range egg, whisked
icing sugar to taste

Slovenia side pic

In Slovenia Bhuteljni is eaten, it is a folded pastry filled with jam or chocolate. Making a choice for baking with children is easy, Bhuteljni it will be ;)

After a cheerful start the dough failed glorious! Can happen, maybe it's in the Google translation from the Slovenian language or it is us. Everything checked and restarted, after 1.5 hours of rising again the dough is still a soggy. A flat blob instead of a nicely raised, airy dough. Too bad!!!

We always have ready made puff pastry in the freezer. It is an emergency back up but the mini-monsters loved our Bhuteljni anyway. The original recipe can be downloaded. Please let us know if you succeed where we failed?

How to make Bhuteljni

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Defrost the puff pastry.

Spoon 3 tbsp jam on the dough.

Use various flavours jam.

Also little pieces of chocolate.

Preheat the oven to 200°C

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Fold and seal the pastries with water.

Brush with egg and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Let the golden baked pastries cool on a rack.

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Dust the Bhuteljni with icing sugar.

There's a battle going for the chocolate ones, we like the jam.

Dober tek!