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Bignè da Giorgio Locatelli

alla panna montata con cioccolato
With chocolate, Italian, Pastry, and With whipped Cream
Bign%c3%a8 alla panna montata sidepic

Shopping list
110 ml water
50g butter
60g plain flour
2 large free-range organic eggs
2 teaspoons caster sugar
350 ml double cream
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 reaspoon vanilla extract
75g Tony's dark chocolate
25g icing sugar

Bign%c3%a8 alla panna montata sidepicll

Puffs are also very popular in Italy, they belong to the Pasticcini and are called Bignè there. Today we are making Giorgio Locatelli's bignè. Italian puffs are often filled with crème patissière, but also with whipped cream, chocolate cream or creme Suisse. Topped with chocolate or icing or sometimes dusted with icing sugar.

Today we make two Bignè combinations that you often come across in Italy. We fill all the puffs with whipped cream and then we dust half with icing sugar. The other half we dip in melted dark chocolate. Isn't that yummie!

How to make Bignè alla panna montata con cioccolato

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Bign%c3%a8 alla panna montata 02
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Pour the water into a saucepan.

Weigh the exact amount of butter.

Slice the butter equally.

Add the butter to the water.

Bring the butter mixture to the boil and remove the pan from the heat 

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Sieve the flour.

Add the flour in one go.

Stir the flour vigorously into the butter.

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Put the dough back on low heat.

Stir until it comes off the side.

Allow the dough to cool in a big bowl.*

Stir in the eggs in parts.

*Beat in the eggs while the dough cools

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The dough should run off the spoon like a ribbon.

Possibly you have a little too much egg.

Put a round tip on the piping bag.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place baking paper on the baking tray

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Fill the piping bag with dough.

Pipe 20 heaps on the baking tray.

Flatten the top with a wet fingertip.

Bake the Bignè in 20 - 25 minutes golden.

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Remove the Bignè from the oven when cooked and flip them.

Prick a hole in each bottom using a wooden skewer.

Turn off the oven and place the Bignè upside down on the baking tray. Place the tray back in the oven for 5 minutes, with the oven door ajar.

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Allow the Bignè to dry on the inside like this.

Let the puffs cool completely.

Whip the cream with the sugar and vanilla.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

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Fill the Bignè with whipped cream.

Sieve icing sugar over half the cream puffs.

Dip the other half in the chocolate.

Place the Bignè in the refrigerator so the whipped cream and the chocolate can set

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The Bignè con panna montata e cioccolato and the Bignè con panna montata e zucchero a velo taste delicious with coffee but also with tea! Tomorrow more pasticcini with cream, then we make Cream Cones!