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Bij de Gallo Romeinen (At the Gallo Romans)

children lived like this
Dutch language, Reading Book, History, and informative and educational
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At the Gallo-Romans
Author: Gérard Coulon
Design: Sin Aerts
Series: Then children lived like this
Original language: French
Translated into English: not
Published: 2005
Publisher: Biblion Publishers
EAN: 90 76830 52 5
Price:  € 18.95 (HC) or second hand
Age: 9 years and up

Bij de gallo romeinen sidepicll

At the Gallo-Romans is a science book from the series of books for children That's how children lived then. It tells about the life of the Gauls (whom we know from the Asterix comic books) under the Roman occupation. This time not more or less fantasized together by two comic book artists, but based on traces in the landscape and archaeological discoveries.

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This book is very worthwhile to read with your mini monster(s). Sadly the book is not translated into English!

3+ stellar stars for At the Gallo-Romans, from the young listeners and the readers!