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Bij de Indianen

Back then children lived like this
History and informative and educational
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Bij de Indianen (At the Indians)
Author: Michel Piquemal
Design: Sin Aerts
Series: When children lived like this (4 parts)
Original language: French
Translated into Dutch by: Karel Verleyen
Translated into English: not
Published: October 2004
Publisher: Biblion / Davidsfonds
EAN: 9789076830247
Price: € 14.95 (HC)
Age: 9 years old and up

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Bij de Indianen (At the Native Americans) is a part of the series When children lived like this, a series of scientific books for children. You can read how children of about your own age used to live, in various cultures. Today we will read about the culture of the original inhabitants of America, the indigenous people, or native Americans as they are called in the America of today.

Unfortunately, there are still many misunderstandings about the Indians, as they are still often popularly called. as in the book title. In movies they ride horses to steal cattle, drink 'firewater' in bars. They fight with cowboys, or they become trackers for them, most of that is not true. But it is not the story in this book, this book is about how Indian children were raised and what their daily life looked like, back then.

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Lakota Chief Ee-ah-sapa (Black Rock) in 1846

The Indians were brave Bison hunters.

An Indian Medicine Man called for his guardian spirit.

This is a real photograph of an Indian Mother and her child.

The native population of America was back then very large and lived in different tribes. The tribes that lived on the plains were nomads, They went where the Bisons went. because they lived from hunting, without the Bison they could not survive.

There were the tribes that lived near rivers, who lived from fishing and other tribes were farmers. But all these tribes had one thing in common, they all lived in harmony with nature and had respect for all living things.

In addition to the beautiful illustrations, there are also real photos in the book, But the young monsters like the personal stories of the children and their parents the most. This is a very special book, so educational and truly beautiful to read!

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