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Repot the bio tomatoes

and put them outside!
Kitchen Garden, Info, Sowing and planting, and Outdoor Play
Bio tomaatjesll promo

What do you need?
organic potting soil
garden trowel
big ceramic pot or many little pots

In the front: 3 organic cherry tomatoes
In the back: 2 regular
cherry tomatoes

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It took them a little longer but the organic cherry tomatoes are now large enough to repot. The nice thing about it taking longer is that now the little plants can go outside right away. The 'ice saints' are over! The non-organic tomatoes had to stay 4 weeks in the livingroom, in 20 jars :)

We put the bio-plants all together in a big pot (maybe you have no garden but a balcony). But of course they can also be put in the garden now or be repotted into a number of smaller pots.

This is how you repot the tomato plants

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Fill the plant pot for 80% with organic potting soil.

Wet the potting soil until it's moist, not too wet.

Take the plants from the cultivation pots and put them in a big terracotta one.

Wet the roots if neccesary with a spray bottle.

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Place the plants in the nex pot(s).

Fill the pot till the edge with soil.*

Press plants firmly in the soil.

* If you fill large pots with soil you can use a small shovel but we generally use a small pot, it works easy.

Now all you have to do is provide the plants with water every day. Then, just wait until little yellow flowers start to grow on the plants, they will become the tomatoes..

A place in the semi shade is best for tomatoes. If there grow little tomatoes on your plants they will burst open in a too sunny spot.