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I love you, Blue

An important story for young children
Picture Book, Recycling, Animal Books, and Science
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I love you, Blue
Author/Illustrator: Barroux
Original language: French
English translation: Otter Barry Books
Released: March 2022
Publisher: Flyaway Books
ISBN13: 9781947888364
Price: € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 4 years and up

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We read a beautiful picture book to the little mini-monsters, made by Barroux, it is called Blue, I love you. It is also an important picture book, especially for children. The story is about the plastic pollution of the oceans, which is taking on terrible proportions. This pollution threatens all animal life in the ocean and whales in particular. At the back of the book, Barroux explains how we can all help. We like to do that because it's very important, it's been talked about for too looooong already!

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We love to read Barroux's picture books to our kids! Whether the book is about refugees and migration or about the trees or the oceans, his stories resonate with our little monsters. Very nice, because time goes by and not enough is being done to keep the earth beautiful and healthy for its inhabitants, and especially for our little ones. That's what every parent wants!

3+ brilliant shining stars for I love you, Blue, from the little monsters and their large out loud readers!