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Our Flower Fairies

are very cute
Waldorf crafts, Summer, Sewing, Recycling, and Dolls
Flower fairies sidepic

What do you need?
pipe cleaners
wooden beads
embroidery yarn
hobby glue
faux rose petals
Matching yarn and a needle
large needle
nylon thread

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We make our own flower fairies because we love the Flower Fairy books by Cicely Mary Barker. We can't make them as beautiful as she gave drew them, but we try very hard, so ours will look cute too. We make two girl friends. :D

How to make the Flower Fairies

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Bend 1 pipecleaner in half and twist 2 around it.

Bend hands on the arms and bend the legs downward.

Sick the head on the neck, attach with a drop of glue.

Wind embroidery yarn around the body, round, crosswise, round again.

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Do the same with Flower Fairy two.

Tie on then string the petals together.

String the petals but do not pull on.

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Lay the petals flat, lay the fairy in the middle of the petals.

Now pull the thread tight and see how the skirt looks.

We sew on the occasional petal here and there.

With the second fairy we do the same.

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Paint the head so it matches the arms and legs.

Bind the hair in the middle and glue it into the head.

Make up the hair as you like it, loose, in braids, a ponytail or a bun.

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Flower fairies home

Stick a nylon string in a loop through the hair, so you can hang the fairies.

Now we are satisfied, our Flower Fairies are ready!

We quickly hang the Flower Fairies in a nice spot!