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10 days in the life of ...

a bean
Waldorf crafts, Natural materials, Nature, and Learn while playing
Bonen planten sidepic

What do you need?
glass jars
kitchen paper
plant pots
potting soil
and beans of course! ;)

Bonen planten sidepicll
When this schoolwork fell into the letterbox, the mini-monsters did not immediately feel like it :))) But it is really nice for toddlers to see how a bean germinates up close. Moreover, you do not really have to wait long, in a little over a week it are real plants already and progress happens every day. Once started it was quite exciting for the mini-monsters! That's why we share our bean journal on snazzie. (Apologies for the perspective and lighting on the pictures, very hard to photograph!)

This is how you grow beans
Do you like the beans to germinate even faster? Then soak them in water overnight and proceed as follows.

Day 1
Bonen planten 01
Bonen planten 02
Bonen planten 03
Bonen planten 04

Roll up kitchen paper.

Slide the beans in.

Cut the paper off to fit.

Make the paper moist.

Mind that the kids do not water too enthusiasticly, then the beans will start to rot and ... put the jars in a light spot but not in the full sunshine.

Now the waiting starts ... but on day 2 nothing happens at all.

Bonen planten 05
Bonen planten 06

Day 3 The first root appears!

Day 3 The white beans are not really doing much yet.

Bonen planten 07
Bonen planten 08
Bonen planten 09
Bonen planten 10

Day 4 The first root!

Day 4

Day 5 It's going well!

Day 5

Day 6

Bonen planten 11
Bonen planten 12
Bonen planten 13

2 of the white beans have really germinated now.

In close up.

The brown beans all three!

Day 7

Day 8

Bonen planten 14
Bonen planten 15

Day 9

Bonen planten 16
Bonen planten 17
Bonen planten 18
Lege cel...
Lege cel...
Lege cel...
Bonen planten 19
Bonen planten 20

1 white bean is not ready to be planted yet, it needsa little more time.

The five other beans seem to like it in the potting soil ;) We'll see what happens!

Day 10

Bonen planten 21
Bonen planten 22
Bonen planten home

Now our last bean will join his/her bean friends in the pot and then all the beans have grown into real plants. We are proud of our beautiful bean plants!