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Tic, tac, toe

a Halloween game
Cutting & Pasting, Painting, Woodworking, and Dolls
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What do you need?
4 wooden peg dolls, straight
4 wooden peg dolls, round
black, white and luminous yellow acrylic paint
paint brushes
permanent marker, black & pink
small piece of felt, black
hobby glue
piece of MDF, 15x15cm
pencil and ruler
optional: colourless varnish

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Noughts and Crosses (or Tic, Tac, Toe) is a simple game that almost every child knows. It is often played on paper, with crosses and noughts. ;)) We made our doll version for Halloween. On Wikipedia you can read how old the game is and where it originally came from, it's fun to read.

How to make our Halloween game

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Draw on the straight dolls.

Paint the round dolls white.

Paint the straight dolls black.

Allow the paint to dry well.

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Draw a bat wing and cut it out.

Pin the pattern on the felt and cut out.

Saw a peace of MDF of 15x15cm.

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Give it two coats of white paint.

Paint the dolls' heads.

Let the paint dry well.

Draw eyes on the ghosts.

How to finish the game board

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Draw 9 equal squares with the felt pen.

Paint the edges of the 4 corners.

Fill the corners up with paint.

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Let the paint dry well.

Stick on the ears and wings.

Paint yellow eyes on the bats.

Paint the underside of the dolls.

Let the paint and glue dry thoroughly

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Wrap the rest of the paint, for the last square.

Fill in the last square with black paint, let it dry.

Draw felt pen lines along the dry, black paint

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Then your black and white paint work looks neat and straight.

Now you can finaly play the game!

Give the playing board and the dolls a coat of varnish if you want the paint to last.

Happy Halloween!