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Knit a pink lamb

for Palm Sunday
Spring, Waldorf crafts, Wool, and Knitting
Zo brei je een lam sidepic

What do you need?
pink knitting wool, needle size 6-7
knitting needles 6-7
a darning needle
sheep's wool, for filling

Zo brei je een lam homepage

We found a sweet knitting pattern on the Little Shop around the Corner blog to knit a Waldorf lamb. Below here you can see our adventures with knitting the pattern. Which of our monsters would like to have a little lamb? Yes, there is a little monster who would, but can the lamb please be pink? Of course, so cute!

How to knit a Waldorf lamb

Zo brei je een lam 01
Zo brei je een lam 02
Zo brei je een lam 03
Zo brei je een lam 04

Cast on 36 stitches.

Knit stitch 8 needles.

Cast off 8 stitches. (28)

Knit the needle forward.

Zo brei je een lam 05
Zo brei je een lam 06
Zo brei je een lam 07

Turn your knitting around.

Cast of 8 stitches again. (20)

Knit the needle forward.

Kni 7 needles in knit stitch to make the body

Zo brei je een lam 08
Zo brei je een lam 09
Zo brei je een lam 10
Zo brei je een lam 11

Cast on 8 stitches and knit the needle forward. (28)

Cast on another 8 stitches on the end of the needle. (36)

Knit stitch 8 needles and cast off 11 stitches. (25)

Knit the needle forward and cast off 11 stitches again. (14)

Now you will be knitting the lamb's head

Zo brei je een lam 12
Zo brei je een lam 14
Zo brei je een lam 14

14 stitches are left on your needle.

Knit 10 needles and cast off.

Sew the lamb closed but leave a gap open.*

* Fold the lamb in half to sew it closed, pick up the 2 outermost stitches with your darning needle and tighten the thread

* The opening is for stuffing the lamb, so leave the needle and thread hanging from it to close the opening

* Turn the lamb inside out
Zo brei je een lam 15
Zo brei je een lam 16
Zo brei je een lam 17
Zo brei je een lam 18

Fill the lamb firmly with wool and sew it closed.

Knit little ears, therefore put 2x  5 stitches on your knitting needle.

Knit 4 needles and then cast off both ears.

Cast on 5 stitches for the tail, knit 5 needles and cast off.

Zo brei je een lam 19
Zo brei je een lam 20

Sew the tail in half and attach it to the lamb.

Sew the ears on your little lamb and it is ready!

This pattern is very clear and easy to do, the somewhat older monsters could knit it themselves, Only with casting on as with sewing the lamb together they needed some help. But other then that they were able to knit the lamb all by themselves!

Have fun with your little lamb!