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Felix explores planet Earth

a little hare on a world tour!
Dutch language, Picture Book, Animal Books, and Pop Up / Flaps Book
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Felix Explores Planet Earth
Author: Annette Langen
Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Original language: German
Translated into English by: ?
Released:  March 1997
Publisher: Abbeville Press Ltd. USA
ISBN13: 9789025726782
Price: €  (HC)
Age: 4 years and up

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Today we read a really fun picture book: Letters from Felix. The story is about a little hare that unexpectedly goes on a world trip. The book is written by Anette Langen and the funny, colorful illustrations are by Constanza Droop.

In the book you will find many envelopes with letters in them, the letters that Felix writes to Sofie, the girl he lives with. He travels through Europe, but also through Africa and America. Eventually he is back on Sophie's doorstep, who is of course very happy that Felix has found his way home.

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The mini monsters really enjoy traveling with Felix, because he experiences funny adventures everywhere along the way. And luckily the story also ends very well because at the end Felix returns to Sophie. Then the little monsters breathe a sigh of relief, because you really don't want to lose your cuddly toy!

3 bright shining stars for Felix Explores Planet Earth, from the little mini-monsters and the out-loud-readers!