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Bake a Spanish bread

day 1: the preparation
Baking Bread and Spanish
Spanish bread side

Shopping list
150ml water
1 teaspoon sugar
15g dried yeast
125g flour

Picture right: the mixture after 24 hours

Spanish bread side ll

To bake an authentic Spanish bread you begin making a fermentation mixture. We make a yeast paste which has to ferment for twenty-four hours to bake an almost sourdough bread. So today we start with the yeast mixture but the actual baking we do tomorrow.

How to make the yeast paste
Pour the water in a bowl

Spanish bread 01
Spanish bread 02
Spanish bread 03
Spanish bread 04

Dissolve the sugar in it.

Add the yeast to the water.

Stir until combined.

Put in a warm place.

Spanish bread 05
Spanish bread 06
Spanish bread 07

The yeast mixture will become frothy.

Add the flour in parts.

Stir until the flour is incorporated.

Spanish bread 08
Spanish bread 09

The mixture looks like a paste.

Put the starter-dough mixture aside for 24 hours.

Tomorrow we'll continue!