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Hot&spicy Cajun chicken kebabs

on the barbeque USA style
American, Main Courses, and Chicken & Poultry
Cajun chicken kebabs side

Shopping list
750 gram chickenbreast
25 gram Cajun herbs (Jumbo Supermarket)
2 table spoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
wooden skewers
bag of barbecue coal
package of fire lighters
long matches

Img 0374

To make this authentic recipe from the south of the USA are these the two main ingredients, free range organic chicken, fresh and juicy and the original American Cajun herbs. The herbs you find at Jumbo Supermarkets, the chicken we buy at De Groene Weg in Rotterdam. A very good biological butcher you can find throughout the Netherlands.

Start 4 hours in advance, if you can mange it preferably a day!

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The free range chicken and Cajun herbs.

Cut the chicken in small cubes.

Measure two tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl.

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Add the lemon juice.

Weigh the Cajun herbs.

Stir it all together.

Coat the chicken cubes with it.

Let the chicken cubes marinate in the fridge for a minimum of four hours. The kebabs will taste better still if you leave them in the fridge to marinate overnight.

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Place the covered bowl overnight in the fridge.

Light the bag, it's a special BBQ package.

The bag was on fire, burnt out and then died.

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The coales are only luke warm.

Quickly went to buy some firelighters!

Some paper and the firelighters.

Now wait until the coals glow.

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The skewers are soaking an hour already.

Lace the meat on the skewers.

Bbq the skewers +/- 6 minutes on each side.

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Serve the spicy Cajun kebabs with rice and grilled vegetables (as we showed you yesterday). The kebabs dissapear like snow in the sun ... they are hot and very tasty!