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Carnaval (Carnival)
Author: Marian van Gog
Illustrator: Joeri van den Anker
Series: De Kijkdoos - documentatiecentrum
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: February 2019
Publisher: Documentatiecentrum
EAN number: 9789463418911
Price: € 21.95 (HC)
Age: 4 years old and up

Carnaval sidepic

During a visit to the library we found this fun book by Dutch author Marian van Gog from the Kijkdoos series: Carnival. It is part 195 and it tells us everything about Carnival. Remember her name because she writes understandable but fun for children, in short clear chapters. The funny comic-like illustrations by Dutch illustrtor Joeri van den Anker make this book extra attractive for our monsters.

As born Rotterdammers our monsters are well acquainted with the Summer Carnival. A beautiful parade with cheerful, contagious music. But they don't really know anything about how Carnival is celebrated in the South of the Netherlands. This book changed that very quickly!

Carnaval 01
Carnaval 02
Carnaval 03

Other chapters are about how old carnival is and how it is connected to the church. But also about how it is celebrated with a Prince Carnival and the key to the city. How the city gets a funny new name.

It is about dressing up and taking part in a big parade. About the cheerful music, funny songs that are sung and how this festival is celebrated in schools. In other words, when you have finished this book you will know everything there is to know about carnival. Even about ours: the Summer Carnival

3 merrily shining stars for Carnival (part 195 of De Kijkdoos, the first series that we can't get enough of (sadly not in English), from all of us!