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Chinese pickles

a delicious side dish
Side Dishes, Asian, Preserves, and With fresh vegetables
Chinese pickles sidep

Shopping list
6 - 8 carrots
1 cucumber
2 daikon radishes
6 shallots
600g bok choi
1 chili pepper
45g sea salt
385g caster sugar
1.5l white vinegar
1 teaspoon chilli oil

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Because we make a delicious beef and rice main course next weekend, we prepare a fresh sweet&sour side dish now. This dish needs four days to allow the flavours to develop. After this the Chinese pickles will keep several months in the refrigerator.

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Place the sugar and the vinegar in a heavy based pan.

Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar and let it reduce for 15 minutes.

Scrape and wash up the carrots and the cucumber.

Chop both vegetables into large chunks.

Take the vinegar mixture from the heat and let it cool. Place the cooled mixture overnight in the refrigerator.

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Peel the shallots and cut them in four pieces.

Slice the Daikon and cut them in halves.

Cut the green off of the bok choi.

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Cut the stalks into thick, oblong chunks.

Cut the chilli in rings and remove the seeds.

Place all sliced vegetables together in a big bowl.

Add the sea salt to the vegetables.

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Toss the veg with the salt until all is coated.

Cover the bowl tightly in cling film.

Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight.

Day 2

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Chinese pickles promo

Place the vegetables in a sterilized airtight jar.

Pour the vinegar mixture over the vegetables and seal the jar.

Place the jar back in the refrigerator for about three days so the flavours can develop.