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Chocolate cupcakes

a basic recipe
Basic recipe, With chocolate, Cupcakes, and Lunar New Year
Chocolate cupcakes sidepic

Shopping list
100 Tony's chocolate, pure
150 grams of butter (room temperature)
150 grams of fine granulated sugar
1 packet of vanilla-flavored sugar
3 free-range eggs (room temperature)
125 ml of buttermilk
200 grams of self-raising flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa

Chocolate cupcakes sidepicll
Today we bake our basic chocolate cupcakes for the Chinese New Year. Now they may look a bit plain, but we will finish them tomorrow. Then suddenly they are no longer ordinary, boring chocolate cupcakes but cute, woolly sheep. Because 2015 is The Year of the Sheep, on the Chinese Zodiac calendar.

How to bake basic chocolate cupcakes
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Mix butter, sugar and vanulla sugar fluffy.

Mix in the eggs one by one.

Mix the buttermilk into the batter.

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Sieve the flour into a big bowl.

Sieve the cocoa into the flour.

Stir until combined.

Fold the mixture into the batter.

Preheat the oven to 175°C then place paper cases in the cupcake tin

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Fill the moulds 3/4 with batter.

Bake the cupcake ± 20 minutes.

Allow the cupcakes to cool on a wire rack.

Tomorrow we make sheep!