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Today we bake for Mum

shortbread with chocolate
Dutch, With chocolate, Biscuits, and Mother's Day
Shortbread with chocolate sidepic

Shopping list
100g butter
100g white demarara sugar
1 free range egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
200g plain flour
¼  teaspoon baking powder
100g white chocolate buttons
100 dark chocolate, 92%
sprinkles, red & pink

Shortbread with chocolate sidepicll

Finaly! Today's Mother's Day, the kids could not wait any longer keeping so many secrets! Our last Mother's Day baking is these British biscuits, shortbread they are called. We would say zand(sand)koekjes and that is nothing special but the chocolates by  Callebaut & Stella Bernrain make these cookies extra-extra-delicious and thst is what we want, for Mum!

We start right away, how to make shortbread with chocolate

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Shortbread with chocolate 01
Shortbread with chocolate 02
Shortbread with chocolate 03

Mini-monster fixes the mixer.

Mix butter and sugar fluffy.

Mix in egg and vanilla.

Add flour & baking powder.

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Shortbread with chocolate 05
Shortbread with chocolate 06

Mix until thoroughly combined.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Put it in the fridge for minimal 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 170°C and place waxed paper on the baking tray

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Shortbread with chocolate 08
Shortbread with chocolate 09
Shortbread with chocolate 10

Roll the dough to 1.5 cm.

Cut circles out of the dough.

Place them on the baking tray.

Bake the shortbread 12-15 mins.

Allow the shortbread to cool completely, on a wire rack

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Shortbread with chocolate 12
Shortbread with chocolate 13

Melt the white buttons au bain marie.

The bowl not touching the water.

Spoon chocolate over half the shortbreads

Scatter sprinkles over the wet chocolate, allow the chocolate to dry completely and repeat it with the dark chocolate

Shortbread with chocolate 14
Shortbread with chocolate home

Our mini-monster makes his own design.

His biscuits are much cuter than ours!

Snazzie wishes you all a wonderful Mother's Day!