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Sinterklaas chocolate roulade

without flour and butter, by Mary Berry!
With chocolate, Sinterklaas, With whipped Cream, and Cakes
Chocolade roulade side

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175g dark chocolate (72%)
6 free range eggs
175g caster sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
30ml double cream + optional extra
icing sugar, to dust
various colours fondant icing
orange sprinkles

Chocolade roulade sidell

In Great Britain Mary Berry is called the Queen of Cooking. She has been worshiped in the UK since the 1970s, when she participated in a cooking program on television. Now, at the age of 82, after 7 years of the Great British Bake Off, she is embarking on a new adventure, as head judge in a new television cooking competition by the BBC.

Today we bake her chocolate roulade, a Christmas recipe that we use for Sinterklaas. But if you make it again for Christmas, with a holly leaf or something, no one will be disappointed :D Here the roulade disappeared like snow in the sunshine!

How to make Mary Berry's chocolate roulade

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Melt the chocolate au bain marie

Separate the eggs.

Beat the egg whites stiff.

Stiff but not dry.

When you turn the bowl upside down the egg whites must not fall out but it should not be totally dry either.

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Beat the egg yolks with the sugar for 2-3 minutes, on high speed.

The mixture should be thick creamy, drip like a ribbon from the beater.

Fold the cooled chocolate gently into the mixture.

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Fold it in until all is well combined

Add two heaped tablespoons of egg whites to the mixture.

Stir it in gently, using a metal spoon to loosen the mixture.

Add the sieved cocoa then fold it lightly into the mixture too.

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Pour the chocolate batter on a baking tray, lined with waxed paper.

Bake the cake in 20 - 25 minutes cooked and risen.

Take the cake from the oven, it falls a little but feels firm, as it should.

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Beat the cream almost stiff.

Spread it on the cake.

Make a half cut to roll easier.

The cake will crack.

As Mary herself says: "The cracking of the roulade is quite normal, it's part of it's charm". Dust the roulade with icing sugar.

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Cut cubes from fondant icing.

Cut thin strips then stick them on.

Make a little bow on top.

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Chocolade roulade promo

Decorate the roulade with the presents and sprinkles.

More than delicious with tea or - for die hards - hot chocolate!

We wish you in advance a Happy Presents Evening!