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Chocolate cups

with pear and Amaretto
With chocolate, High Tea, and With fresh fruit
Chocoladebakjes side

Shopping list
a packet of chocolate cups
180g Tony's Chocolonely
250g mascarpone
1 big or 2 small pears
some left over vanilla cake

optional: Amaretto to taste

Chocoladebakjes sidell

Around the holidays you can buy boxes of small chocolate cups in the supermarket with which you can make a festive dessert quick & easy. We still have a box left, so let's fill those cups!

We choose chocolate and pear to fill the cups with, optional with a drop of Amaretto. In January still very tasty, with a lovely cup of tea!

How to make the chocolate cups

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Break the chocolate in pieces.

Melt it au bain marie.

Place some cake in the cups.

Press shapes out of the pear.

Drizzle some Amaretto on the cake if there are no kids to join in. Cut the remaining pear in small pieces then place them on the cake.

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Beat the mascarpone smooth.

While mixing add the chocolate.

Mix until combined.

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Chocoladebakjes home

Fill the cups with the mousse, decorate with chocolate stripes.

Place hearts of pear on top.

So yummie with a fresh cup of tea!