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a combo of a choux puff and doughnut
Birthday, British, Pastry, Frosting / Fondant Icing / (Butter) Cream , With whipped Cream, and Treat
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Choux pastry
40g butter, diced
105 ml water
50g plain flour, sifted
a pinch of salt
2 large organic eggs, beaten
Filling and glaze
250 ml double cream
2 tablespoons caster sugar
a sachet klopfix
icing sugar and water
drops lemon juice
foodcolouring and sprinkles

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They've been on our baking wish list for a long time, the Chouxnuts. It is a crossover between a cream puff and a doughnut. The recipe comes from the United Kingdom, where they love a joke, but we wouldn't be surprised if it originally blew over from the US.

The name is based on choux dough and doughnuts. Any filling is actually possible, but we chose whipped cream. Together with the sweet icing and sprinkles, it is  a treat for a birthday mini monster!

How to make chouxnuts

First prepare the baking paper and place it UPSIDE DOWN on the baking tray

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Trace 8cm circles on baking paper.

Cut the butter into cubes.

Put water and buitter on.

Bring it to the boil.

Remove the pan from the heat

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Add all the flour at once.

Stir fanatically!

Spread the dough on a plate.

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Place it 10 minutes in the fridge.

Meanwhile whisk the eggs.

Put the dough in the mixer.

Gradually beat in the egg.

Transfer the dough to a piping bag and preheat the oven to 210°C / 190°C hot air

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Pipe rings on the baking paper.

Sprinkle some water on the baking paper.

Slide the chouxnuts in the middle of the oven.

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You quickly see them rise.

Bake the chouxnuts +/- 25 minutes.

Then they have coloured a nice light brown

Place the chouxnuts upside down to cool and pierce 4 holes in the bottom, using a cocktail pricker

Meanwhile you prepare the filling

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Beat the cream with the sugar.

While beating add the klop-fix.

Spoon the cream into a piping bottle.

Put the bottle in the fridge for now.

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Fetch the chouxnuts and have the sprinkles handy.

Pipe the whipped cream trough the holes into the chouxnuts.

Finally we stir a quick glaze

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Stir sugar, water, lemon and colouring.

Pour the glaze onto a plate.

Dip the chouxnuts into the glaze.

Let excess glaze drip off.

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Chouxnuts homepage

Scatter the spinkles over the wet glaze.

Let the glaze dry and then serve the chouxnuts immediately.

Now the party can start, have lots of fun!