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Christobal Balenciaga

the boy that dreamt of Haute Couture
Dutch language, Picture Book, informative and educational, and Museum Book
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Christóbal Balenciaga
Author/Illustrator: Sanne te Loo
Series: Art Museum The Hague
Original language: Dutch
Translated into Dutch: not
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Leopold
EAN: 9789025883638
Price: €16.99 (HC)
Age: 9 years old and up

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A while ago we bought a beautiful picture book in Art Museum The Hague about the famous Haute Couture fashion designer Christóbal Balenciaga. The book was written and illustrated by Sanne te Loo and it is a lovely book. The story begins when Christóbal is still a little boy and he sees his mother sewing on beautiful dresses for a very wealthy lady.

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Christóbal Balenciaga becomes the most important couturier of his time, a Master! He lived from 1875 to 1972 and his work had a major influence on the famous couteriers who came after him. Both Christiaan Dior and Coco Chanel were great admirers of his fashion.

3 bright sparkling stars for Christóbal Balenciaga, from the young listeners and their readers!