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American lemon cheese cake

with jelly, brings sunshine on cold days
American, With Cheese, With fresh fruit, and Cakes

Shopping list
100g biscotti biscuits
75g butter (melted)
15g of honey
700g mascarpone
200g caster sugar
2 lemons, juice & zest

Citroen jelly side

Jelly topping
35 ml water
35g sugar
65ml fresh lemon juice + zest
50ml of fresh orange juice
3 sheets of gelatine
75ml water

Delicious! American Lemon cheesecake, without baking!

Please mind! Citrus fruit is often dyed, has a wax layer and is sometimes sprayed with pesticides. Use organic fruit and scrub the skin clean before you grate it.

How to make lemon cheesecake

Line a springform of 23cm with waxed paper, place a circle on the bottom and cut a border.

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Crumble the cookies. Stir melted butter and honey into the crumbs.

Spread the crumbles over the bottom of the form and press them tight.

Transfer the mascarpone to a big bowl.

Scrub the lemons with hot water, grate the skin and juice the lemons.

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Add lemon juice en zest and mix it quickly into the mascarpone.

Spoon it into the form, smoothen the top and place the cake in the fridge.

Your cheesecake is now ready to serve.

but...with such a pretty layer of lemon jelly on it your cheesecake steals quite the show! Here is how you make the lemon jelly topping:

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In a saucepan bring the water to the boil and turn off the heat.

Stir in the sugar until it's dissolved and let it cool.

Scrub the lemons with hot water and grate the skin.

Juice the orange and the lemons and measure the right amount.

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Lemon zest and orange juice combined gives the bright colour. No additives are needed.

Add the sugar syrup and the 75 ml water and stir it together.

Cut up the gelatin in a heatproof bowl. Cover it in citrus-syrup and let it soak 10 minutes.

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Heat the heatproof bowl up au bain marie. Stir +/- 10 minutes until the gelatin is dissolved.

Add the remaining juice to the melted gelatin. Stir it together and sift it.

Pour the cooled, liquid jelly very carefully on top of the the cheesecake.

Place the cheesecake in the fridge for a couple of hours, preferably overnight.

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Citroen cheesecake promo

In the morning  the cake has a perfect, transparent jelly layer on top.

Loosen the spring, pull off the paper and slide the cake carefully on a platter.

This cheesecake looks like a lovely sun, just as beautiful and delicious!!!