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a Ligurian tuna salad
Lunch, Italian, With fresh vegetables, and With Fish
Ligurian tuna salad sidepic

Shopping list
150g of new potatoes
100g of green beans
3 free range eggs
250g of tuna in olive oil
1/2 red onion, in fine slices
12 cherry tomatoes, halved
6 anchovieseen
a handful of black olives
a handful of basil leaves, torn
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt & freshly ground pepper

Ligurian tuna salad sidepicll
The Italian Condiglione is a lot like the Niçoise salad in the South of France and that is not surprising, Liguria lies just across the border with France. Because the snazzie eaters love tuna, here the recipe. In addition, you can also add a finely chopped red pepper and a handful of capers.

How to make the Ligurian Condiglione
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Wash potatoes and beans.

Cook the beans in 10 minutes al dente.

Cook the potatoes for 15 minutes.

Halve the potatoes.

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Place the beans on the potatoes.

The tuna pieces go on the beans.

Tomatoes, onion. salt, pepper and oil.

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Then place the anchovies, basil and olives on top.

Fold the salad gently together and finaly top it with the eggs.

Serve the condiglione at room temperature and give extra olive oil and a freshly baked bread on the side.