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Construction Site on Christmas Night

by Sherri Duskey-Rinker & Tom Lichtenheld
English language, Picture Book, Christmas, and Funny
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Construction Site on Christmas Night
Author: Sherri Duskey-Rinker
Illustrator: Tom Lichtenheld
Series: 3 parts
Original language: English
Published: May 2018
Publishers: Cronicle Books
ISBN13: 9781452139111
Price: € 10.99 (ebook) €17.99 (HC)
Age: 3 - 7 years

In 2016 we bought a funny book for a mini-monster that has a passion for construction sites and associated vehicles. The book is called Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site and is written by the American Sherri Duskey-Rinker. We immediately thought: this book will be a hit and it was!

The book is completely written in rhyme and those rhymes are very funny. But ... the most brilliant - we think - is the exceptional translation by Edward van de Vendel. Perfectly rhyming Dutch and just as funny as the original! And now here is part 3: Construction Site on Christmas Night.

Construction site on christmas night 01
Construction site on christmas night 02
Construction site on christmas night 03

Much of the appeal of these books belongs to the American illustrator Tom Lichtenheld. He is the genius who gives the heavy machinery in the book all their own look with a lot of character. The mini-monsters know them all by name :)) There is just one tiny minus, the book is not (yet?) translated into Dutch. Which makes reading in rhyme impossible.

3 jubilant Christmas stars for Construction Site on Christmas Night!