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Crepes Flamandes

with chocolate sauce and ice cream
With chocolate, Desserts, Ice Cream & milkshakes, Belgian, and Pan Cakes
Flemish crepe side

Shopping list for two
150 ml milk
1 free range organic eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
50g plain flour
50 g butter
vanilla ice cream
100g Tony's chocolate

Flemish crepe promo

This weekend Belgium stands in the spotlight @snazzie.nl  A Belgian classic are crêpes Flamandes à la glace (little crepes with vanille ice cream and chocolate saus). Kids love them to bits, they just taste so good!

Making the batter goes well, it's easy peasy but then it gets tricky....baking pretty thin crepes is a form of art so you have to pratice a bit to get it right! Ours are still a tiny bit to thick ;)

How you make Flemish crepes

Tip! Use a good chocolate for the sauce, it makes all the difference.

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Break the chocolate and melt it au bain marie in 50 ml milk.

Weigh the flour and hold a sieve ready.

Pour 100 ml milk in a bowl and add the egg and vanilla sugar.

Whisk the milk with the eggs and the vanilla sugar together.

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When it is fluffy and well combined sieve in the flour.

Mix until it becomes a thin, smooth pancake batter.

Stir to make sure there are no lumps.

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Preheat the plates in the oven.

Melt a knob of butter in the pan.

Pour in some batter.

Bake thin, golden crepes.

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Fold the crepes twice.

Scoop a bowl of ice cream on the side.

Stir the melted chocolate sauce until it's smooth.

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Flemish crepe promo

Pour chocolate sauce on the crepes.

What a combination, Belgian desserts are so delicious!