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Culinary Diversity

at The Erasmiaans Gymnasium
Reading Book and Cook Book
Culinaire diversiteit op het erasmiaans homepage

Culinary Diversitiy on the
Erasmiaans Gymnasium

Editor: Marjolein Degenaar
Authors/illustrators: students and teachers EG
Original language: Dutch
Published: september 2018
Publishers: Erasmiaan Gymnasium
ISBN: not
Price: € 15.00 - € 20.00
Age: all ages

Culinaire diversiteit op het erasmiaans sidepicll

You do not often find a cookbook as Book of the Week on snazzie, but today we place one in the window: Culinary Diversity at the Erasmiaans Gymnasium (only in Dutch). The Lustrum book was published for the 690th anniversery of the Erasmiaans Gymnasium.

With some of our mini- and maxi-monsters attending school here, the book came naturally to our attention and what a fun book it is! Pupils and teachers have done their best in making it more than a cookbook by including their recipes in a personal piece. For the attentive reader it definitely gives a glimpse into life at this school.

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Because the backgound and nationality of the students is divers the recipes come from all over the world. Grandmother cook regional dishes for their grandchild (ren) when they come together, which gives such a dish a special meaning in the family.

The teachers have been participating wholeheartedly as well and wrote their pieces - as we are used to from them - with self-mockery and humor. These dedicated teachers make it a great school. An educational, amusing book filled with delicious recipes, what more do you want in a (cook) book?

3 forever shining stars for Culinary Diversity at the Erasmiaans Gymnasium!